Want Us To Carry Your Product(s)?
Are you an independent health, supplement, wellness business? Do you want a chain of shops to showcase / sell your products? Feel free to reach out to discuss our market introduction consignment and / or purchase options.
We Want To Hear From You
At Genesis Nutrition we want to help our local community and small start up brands, and independent businesses get their feet off the ground, or take their business o the next level. And we know how hard it can be to get the products you're so passionate about into stores, online and shops. So to help you do just that, we work with many local businesses to help them showcase their products.
How our system (typically) works, 3 options:
1. We can provide you rent-free space and take a higher commission sold on every unit sold.
2. We can rent you showcase space and take a lower commission.
3. You become an official vendor with a minimum 60 day terms.
We will also provide some social media marketing, collaboration, spotlights, inclusion in email and text blast campaigns. We will also allow you to conduct in-store demos/sampling, with marketing backup.
We are always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.
Please email us. No one working in the individual shops has the ability to purchase products. This is only done at HQ level.